Welcome to Ubermotive: A collection of blogs, rants and tech notes.
Insulating a Car on the Cheap
Here’s a one-day, $30 mod you can do to your car if it has interior rattles, road noise, or if the car is too loud and buzzy from outside once the subwoofers kick in. Mine exhibited all of these problems.
Let’s Encrypt is in Beta
It appears that Let’s Encrypt has started its closed beta as of 29th October 2015. I’ve managed to get in on it, and Ubermotive is running on a brand new SSL certificate signed by the Let’s Encrypt CA. I’ve gone through the site and replaced most HTTP links with HTTPS ones and also forced HTTPS…
Integrating Netflix into MythTV
Well, MythTV launched in Australia today. I couldn’t have my wife trying to start/stop the MythTV frontend and poke around looking for web browsers, typing URLs and maximising windows and whatnot, so I quickly banged up a Netflix launch button for MythTV.
Every Automated Billing System Ever is Shit
This is a part of the world that I don’t understand. There are so many companies out there who need to perform the simple task of measuring the service they provide and billing it at a set interval. I really don’t think I’m being naive when I say it’s a simple task – I’m a…
On IPv6
What the hell is IPv6, and why should I care? It’s the next generation of Internet protocol. You’re probably heard that the world has pretty much run out of IPv4 addresses. Sure, four billion sounded like a lot of endpoints when it was first drafted, but absolutely predicted this sort of growth. In layman’s terms,…
DAB+: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Since the release of the Compact Disc in 1982, there has been a notable trend for multimedia to go digital. To be honest, I’m surprised it has taken this long for radio to follow suit. As much as the idea of digital radio was perfectly logical, its implementation is lousy, and I would have done…
How to Bypass the Herald Sun’s Paywall
It’s pretty simple to circumvent. Just change the hostname in the URL from “heraldsun.com.au” to “news.com.au” (or any other News Limited publication that doesn’t paywall their content) and load the page. The reason for this (as I mentioned before) is that all of these publications run on the same instance of the same content management…
Telstra’s Default $2000/GB Data Plan
Am I the only one around here that finds Telstra’s data pack pricing a bit misleading?
Micallef Has a Point
I’m just making a quick post in reference to a little skit that you may have seen tonight on Mad as Hell. The sketch simultaneously interviewed reporters from five different News Limited publications, asking if the concentration of media left us with too few voices. They all supplied the exact same response in unison, claiming…
Securing your Online Polls
Whether you’re polling the opinion of your reader base, taking votes for an award or running a competition on your website, you probably have some concerns about your system being abused by the hate machine we call the internet. Someone may skew a poll to sway the public perception of popular opinion; Some prize pig…